My Internet Life
So I’ve had my website for a very long time, and I’ve been playing on the internet for even longer than that. I remember being 10 or 11 years old back in the (very early) 90’s and posting on Prodigy’s bulletin board system. I’m not that old…But it’s weird to think that the kids nowadays have actually GROWN UP with the internet and other various technology.
Anyhoo, this is a blast from my past. Goth Auctions. There was another auction site for gothic things — Gothic Auctions — but that website has been gone for a long time now. Goth Auctions grew to replace it. Much like The Palace, I can see that Goth Auctions isn’t used much anymore. They used to have numerous items for sale! It’s also odd that it isn’t more widely used, since it is definitely an established auction site but also because it’s entirely FREE to post and buy auctions on.
Please go check them out!