The Logs___________________
The most recent logs are at the top, and the oldest are at the bottom, respectively. All of these people initiate the conversations first.

6: Super Dude!
He initiates the chat then lets me have access to his web cam. I then make a comment about his penis.

5: Jewelry and the Hunchback
This is a longer conversation. Stupid pedophiles online! He made Christina bleed.

4: Are you wet?
Another shortie, with me making fun of him.

3: ENGRISH, Please
I start off by pretending to 'not knowing ENGRISH well very'.

2: He Thinks I'm Funny
He admits liking little girls. I wish I were a cop!

1: It's up?
A guy who thought I was 84 years old. He also doesn't know if its good for his cock to be up.

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