About Me___________________

Well, I'm not really Christina! and I pretty much stole the idea for this website from Amber Forever. However, I have been messing around with the pervs who try to get me to cyber with them for years, I just never thought to proudly display the idiocy online before! There are also just generally dumb people who try to IM me too, and I will post all sorts of chatlogs that I can. If you couldn't tell, I am not 14 years old...I am 21 and live in NW Indiana. My main website is at Veriria's Palace, which I have had for a few years now.

I was running out of ideas on new things to add to my website recently, but this is awesome and I hope I get more creative from this. I already had a few funny (to me, at any rate) conversations with people in which I saved the chat logs.

All of the logs you will see here are real, and happened in real time. However they may be edited for space and readability. There have always been people trying to cyber with me, and since I want to be somewhat of a writer, this will be an excellent way to practice! Plus, I love to make fun of people over the internet. I might get my brother to do this to people too - he is much funnier than me!


I would love to be sent some suggestions on scenarios to pretend to be in when I talk to the next unsuspecting person through an instant message! Creativity doesn't thrive on just one mind, you know! You can send me suggestions to veriria@yahoo.com.

Site by: Veriria Layout by: Koneko
Picture from: Wiltedaisie.com

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