Please Tip The Driver___________________

Some people aren't aware of this - you are supposed to tip the pizza delivery driver, like you tip a waiter at a restaurant. They rely on tips, and use their own car to deliver dinner to you. Your tips are greatly appreciated - it keeps the delivery drivers moving. Do they earn the tips? Absolutely. Drivers perform a service by bringing dinner to your door. They take on financial costs and difficulties, more than most people realize. Pizza delivery is considered a hazardous job by the US government. They are third most likely to be murdered on the job - right behind police officers and taxi drivers.

Tipping Etiquette___________________

Instead of you going out, the restaurant is being brought to you. The common courtesy is 15% of your total order. If 15% is less than $2, please follow the $2 minimum tip for service to come to your house. It is considerate to tip more during bad weather. In rain, snow, extreme cold or vice versa, the service is greater. And additional dollar is thoughtful. It is also considerate to tip more for long distance. Remember that a five mile drive in a residential area can take 30 minutes for the ten mile round trip.

How To Tip___________________

There are three ways:

  1. Put the tip in the check. The store can tell the difference; the driver receives the tip portion. This is the best and easiest way to do it.
  2. Payment by credit card. Write the tip on the receipt. There is a line that says "tip" then write the total amount in the line under that.
  3. Use cash. Tips are appreciated.

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