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There are some people who just don't cooperate at all over the phone. Its annoying, jackass. Learn to go with the flow, you can't do it your way.

We are right across from Valpo University. When a student orders from the dorms (they are right across the street) their phone numbers show up "out of area" on the caller ID. Until we get their information, we do not know they are a VU student, who get special half off prices. When I quote you a total price for your medium pepperoni (they don't seem to think we have any other toppings...) don't go "HEY I'm a VU student! I thought the price was like half that??" I'm not psychic. If I were, do you think I would be working at a Domino's Pizza?

I hate when VU students complain about delivery times. I'm sorry, but we take orders in the order the customer called, and the drivers for the most part, take deliveries in order as well. If you have to wait 45 minutes and don't like it, then get up off your sorry ass and walk the five minute walk to our store. You don't even have to tip that way!

VU students who don't tip piss me off. The driver still does the same amount of work to get you your pizza (the pizza you are too lazy to walk across the street to pick up) and usually they end up with a 17 cent tip. Pizza is NOT cost effective for a college student, even if its half-off.

One VU student was dumb enough to call on her pizza at the 45 minute mark. At night, there is only me and one driver, and delivery times go up. I told her I quoted her about 45 minutes for delivery and hers is the next to go out (and it really was). She had the nerve to say to me "But, like, I'm only across the street." Yes, you are. Come and pick it up if you didn't like the waiting time. Worry after its 30 minutes late.

VU students who aren't in their dorms!! We get a lot of VU business. Since drivers aren't technically allowed in the dorms, they must wait in the lobby for the customer to greet them. They call the customer before they leave the store, to meet them downstairs. If they are not in your room when the driver calls, its considered a prank. If its not and they call up, they must come and get their pizza.

Drivers do not carry around red peppers, parmesan cheese, or two liters of coke in their cars. I hate when customers don't tip because the driver doesn't have any (and the customer didn't order any...).

There are VU students who will get drunk, and pass out or not remember they ordered. 'Nuff said. Don't piss the drivers off...They know where you live. Some will do stupid shit to get revenge.

People who ask for "fresh tomatoes" or "fresh green peppers" make me laugh. What? Do you think we have those things in rotten, too?

People who call up and say "I'd like to order a pizza." Oh, sorry, we don't serve pizza here, you can't have any. Especially for delivery. We don't *do* delivery.

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